Chapter 5 Page 31 - Chapter 5 Page 31
Posted August 18, 2024 at 11:35 am

Ohhh my goodness this page! Let's see...had a broken hand scare (just bruised, thank goodness), got covid/the flu, still working with a busted computer...I don't even know what else tried to stop me, but here I am! Better late than never.

More importantly, I got to borrow Reimena Yee's Zeynel for this page! He is from her graphic novel The Carpet Merchant of Konstantiniyya which you can read/purchase here. Highly recommend doing both! 

Reimena's work is...its sumptuous. She is a comics/visual storytelling powerhouse and frankly, a bit of a genius. I don't know what else to say, just go ye (or Yee) and partake of all...any of her work. Can't recommend enough.

@thedrawingduke on instagram + Tumblr + bluesky
